- By bank transfer to the Language Lab of the UMH, indicating the DNI / NIE number ( with letter and without a dash) and full names (e.g. 12345678A Carmen López García).
FUMH bank account at the Santander Bank:
IBAN ES22 0049 4333 4621 1001 0161
Have the digitalised proof of payment in hand
- Payment by credit/ debit card in our offices
If you are going to enroll in one of these sessions as well as in any of the annual English courses you can pay if off in one single-payment.
If you wish , you can access our refund policy.
1.By bank transfer to the Language Lab of the UMH, indicating the DNI / NIE number ( with letter and without a dash) and full names (e.g. 12345678A Carmen López García).
- FUMH bank account at the Santander Bank:IBAN ES22 0049 4333 4621 1001 0161
- Have the digitalised proof of payment in hand as to attach it later on to the registration form
Remember: You must include to your fee, the amount of the material for a price of 59.40€. And if you sign up for Speaking& Listening or Writing PLUS classes, it includes the amount corresponding to the material
2. Only for minors from the age of 16 ( or who reach this age in the present year): download, complete and sign the authorization by the parent/ legal guardian.
Have the digitalised proof of payment in hand as to attach it later onto the registration form
Fill out the registration form that you will find below and attach the required information.
If you have any questions or doubts, you can write to us at info@idiomasumh.es or call us at 965454567.